Stardock Central où le vol à l'état pur
(too old to reply)
2005-06-03 14:22:13 UTC
Eh bien, ceux qui ne parlent pas français n'auront qu'à l'apprendre ...
Client chez Stardock depuis leurs débuts, et (à priori) satisfait des
prestations, je me vois dans l'obligation de constater que cette "chère"
entreprise se sert surtout de son poduit SDC (on n'est pas obligé
d'accepter les versions betas, qu'ils disent ... d'ailleurs, je ne les
accepte plus ...) pour faire tester leurs différents logiciels par leurs
clients, d'avoir ainsi des remontées d'informations pour pouvoir
corriger leurs softs et ainsi de pouvoir en vendre plus.
Bougre de nandidiou, mais pourquoi qu'il cause pas dans la langue
universelle çui-là ?
Parce que j'en ai raz-le -C-L de 50% d'américains se regardant le
nombril et se fouttant du reste du monde.

Bref, pour en revenir à Stardock et ses produits, après toutes ces
années de bonnes cotisations, j'ai décidé d'arrêter d'être pris pour un
pigeon, et je ne renouvellerai aucune de mes licences

N.B.: Ce message pourrait s'auto-détruire dans les 5 mn après sa

[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-03 14:51:37 UTC
Pidgeon . . . I like that. :-)

I've not seen any posts where you've asked for support for other
languages in SDC, neophil . . . oh, wait, one complaining about it in
2003. I guess the heart of the matter is that the vast majority of
Stardock's market is english, and that they feel the amount of effort
required to intermationalize everything is more than it is worth at this
point in time - there are more important things that matter to the 98%
(or whatever) of native-english speakers who subscribe. I suspect that
will change eventually - after all, WindowBlinds, DesktopX and
ObjectDock all have internationalization support, added in the last year
or so - but for now that is how it is.

I'm sorry that you feel it's not worth subscribing anymore, but if that
is what you feel then you should of course act on it. Best wishes for
the future!
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-03 15:50:47 UTC
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
I'm sorry that you feel it's not worth subscribing anymore, but if that
is what you feel then you should of course act on it. Best wishes for
the future!
Did he ask for six years of refunds again?
"The term is 'courting,' thank you. The restraining order
says 'no-no,' but her eyes say 'yes-yes.'"

Now playing: the radio.
2005-06-03 16:41:49 UTC
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Pidgeon . . . I like that. :-)
I've not seen any posts where you've asked for support for other
languages in SDC, neophil . . . oh, wait, one complaining about it in
2003. I guess the heart of the matter is that the vast majority of
Stardock's market is english, and that they feel the amount of effort
required to intermationalize everything is more than it is worth at
this point in time - there are more important things that matter to
the 98% (or whatever) of native-english speakers who subscribe. I
suspect that will change eventually - after all, WindowBlinds,
DesktopX and ObjectDock all have internationalization support, added
in the last year or so - but for now that is how it is.
I'm sorry that you feel it's not worth subscribing anymore, but if
that is what you feel then you should of course act on it. Best
wishes for the future!
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on (-in
fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))

[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-03 17:16:19 UTC
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on
(-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you specifically
mentioned in your post, support for the French language. I am glad to
see that you have taken my advice, even if it does mean that you are no
longer subscribing to Object Desktop. I agree that you should not do so
if you feel you are not getting the service you desire.
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-04 01:50:14 UTC
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on
(-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you specifically
mentioned in your post, support for the French language. I am glad to
see that you have taken my advice, even if it does mean that you are
no longer subscribing to Object Desktop. I agree that you should not
do so if you feel you are not getting the service you desire.
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...

[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-04 02:06:15 UTC
Post by neophil78
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Ahh . . . I misinterpreted your "why do I not write this in the
universal language" as "why is SDC (which you were talking about
earlier) not supporting all languages?"

See, this is the sort of misunderstanding when you don't use the right
language for your forum. I don't know many people here who speak french.
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-06-04 07:25:07 UTC
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Ahh . . . I misinterpreted your "why do I not write this in the
universal language" as "why is SDC (which you were talking about
earlier) not supporting all languages?"
See, this is the sort of misunderstanding when you don't use the right
language for your forum. I don't know many people here who speak
french. :-)
Stardock is misinterpreting a lot of things ...
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-06 09:21:11 UTC
Post by neophil78
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
See, this is the sort of misunderstanding when you don't use the right
language for your forum. I don't know many people here who speak
french. :-)
Stardock is misinterpreting a lot of things ...
Oh come on, älä viitsi olla lapsellinen.

Hey there's no support in finnish, but I don't write here in finnish and
then complain childlishly afterwards either. Grow up please.

:[ Panu ]:
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Johan Karlborg
2005-06-04 04:06:26 UTC
Jag får väl slå ett slag för att forumet ska vara multinationellt jag med
och svara dig på mitt eget språk, bara för att vara lika knölig som du är,
vad sägs om det neophil?
2005-06-04 07:23:40 UTC
Post by Johan Karlborg
Jag får väl slå ett slag för att forumet ska vara multinationellt jag
med och svara dig på mitt eget språk, bara för att vara lika knölig
som du är, vad sägs om det neophil?
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-04 09:08:24 UTC
Post by neophil78
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on
(-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you specifically
mentioned in your post, support for the French language. I am glad to
see that you have taken my advice, even if it does mean that you are
no longer subscribing to Object Desktop. I agree that you should not
do so if you feel you are not getting the service you desire.
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Which certainly makes no sense at all when the manufacturer doesn't
natively speak that language.

I wonder how many French companies (of the same financial & personnel
size as Stardock) automatically give support in the customer's native

The days of the 'Empire' are long gone I'm afraid...
Post by neophil78
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-04 13:27:41 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by neophil78
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on
(-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you specifically
mentioned in your post, support for the French language. I am glad to
see that you have taken my advice, even if it does mean that you are
no longer subscribing to Object Desktop. I agree that you should not
do so if you feel you are not getting the service you desire.
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Which certainly makes no sense at all when the manufacturer doesn't
natively speak that language.
I wonder how many French companies (of the same financial & personnel
size as Stardock) automatically give support in the customer's native
The days of the 'Empire' are long gone I'm afraid...
Post by neophil78
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
It depend WHAT language most if the clients speak!

2005-06-04 16:16:49 UTC
Post by Alain
Post by Chris
Post by neophil78
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post
on (-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you
specifically mentioned in your post, support for the French
language. I am glad to see that you have taken my advice, even if
it does mean that you are no longer subscribing to Object Desktop.
I agree that you should not do so if you feel you are not getting
the service you desire.
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Which certainly makes no sense at all when the manufacturer doesn't
natively speak that language.
I wonder how many French companies (of the same financial & personnel
size as Stardock) automatically give support in the customer's native
The days of the 'Empire' are long gone I'm afraid...
Post by neophil78
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
It depend WHAT language most if the clients speak!
Mon cher Alain, puisque je sais que tu parles français, tout ceci n'a
rien à voir avec un simple problème d'utilisation de langue, mais bien
avec la politique que mène Stardock depuis ses débuts ...
Si tu avais lu mon post initial (en français) tu saurais qu'en tant que
client chez eux depuis leurs premières heures d'existance, je les ai
toujours soutenu, et même fait de la pub pour eux. Mais il y a des
limites à ne pas dépasser ... qui ont été largement franchies ...
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-04 21:59:58 UTC
Post by neophil78
Mon cher Alain, puisque je sais que tu parles français, tout ceci n'a
rien à voir avec un simple problème d'utilisation de langue, mais bien
avec la politique que mène Stardock depuis ses débuts ...
Si tu avais lu mon post initial (en français) tu saurais qu'en tant que
client chez eux depuis leurs premières heures d'existance, je les ai
toujours soutenu, et même fait de la pub pour eux. Mais il y a des
limites à ne pas dépasser ... qui ont été largement franchies ...
Tout comme moi. Lorsque j'ai debuté a utiliser leurs produits, TOUT était ancore en version béta,
parfois V0.1... J'ai toujours renouvelé ma suscription depuis. Je ne peut pas considérer Stardock
comme des américains bornés, la maison mere est peut-être aux U.S.A, mais le personnel est
international, et surment pas borné.
Tu as toujours le choix d'utiliser ou non les versions béta, et si tu choisi de les utiliser, tu
doit être concient qu'elle sont distribuées précisément, et l'ont toujours été, dans le but de
trouver les problemes des nouvelles versions.
Je vie a Montréal, Québec, Canada, suis souverainiste, francophone.

2005-06-04 23:47:00 UTC
Post by Alain
Post by neophil78
Mon cher Alain, puisque je sais que tu parles français, tout ceci n'a
rien à voir avec un simple problème d'utilisation de langue, mais
bien avec la politique que mène Stardock depuis ses débuts ...
Si tu avais lu mon post initial (en français) tu saurais qu'en tant
que client chez eux depuis leurs premières heures d'existance, je
les ai toujours soutenu, et même fait de la pub pour eux. Mais il y
a des limites à ne pas dépasser ... qui ont été largement franchies
Tout comme moi. Lorsque j'ai debuté a utiliser leurs produits, TOUT
était ancore en version béta, parfois V0.1... J'ai toujours renouvelé
ma suscription depuis. Je ne peut pas considérer Stardock comme des
américains bornés, la maison mere est peut-être aux U.S.A, mais le
personnel est international, et surment pas borné. Tu as toujours le
choix d'utiliser ou non les versions béta, et si tu
choisi de les utiliser, tu doit être concient qu'elle sont
distribuées précisément, et l'ont toujours été, dans le but de
trouver les problemes des nouvelles versions. Je vie a Montréal,
Québec, Canada, suis souverainiste, francophone.
Mais ayant constaté que les versions dites "enhanced" n'étaient guère
plus sûres que les versions dites "bétas" voilà un peu l'objet de ma
J'ai donné, beaucoup de temps surtout, faut arrêter de prendre les gens
pour des abrutis (ça m'embête bien parce qu'effectivement sur le
principe ils ont de bons produits ...dommage qu'ils fassent éponger les
ratures et pas que pour les versions bétas par leurs clients)
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-04 16:11:40 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by neophil78
Salut à TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) qui par là
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by neophil78
You have not seen any post from me asking for support ?
Are you joking ?
About 2 or 3 days ago you was telling me to don't send same post on
(-in fact 6/7 Stardock Newsgroups))
No, I said I have not seen you asking for the thing you specifically
mentioned in your post, support for the French language. I am glad
to see that you have taken my advice, even if it does mean that you
are no longer subscribing to Object Desktop. I agree that you
should not do so if you feel you are not getting the service you
I was not asking for "french support", i did just write the post in
french ...
Which certainly makes no sense at all when the manufacturer doesn't
natively speak that language.
I wonder how many French companies (of the same financial & personnel
size as Stardock) automatically give support in the customer's native
The days of the 'Empire' are long gone I'm afraid...
Post by neophil78
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
Well, not any sense for that answer ... it's not a question of support
in my native language, it's that i'm just too tired of Stardock Policy,
And i wright the last post in french to explain it .
[enlever ~X007 pour répondre]
2005-06-06 09:24:31 UTC
Post by neophil78
Well, not any sense for that answer ... it's not a question of support
in my native language, it's that i'm just too tired of Stardock Policy,
And i wright the last post in french to explain it .
And what policy is that? But I quess writing something in a language the
target audience doesn't understand makes them "get" the message.

:[ Panu ]:
Cheer Up! Things are getting worse at a slower rate.
